"Repeated blows of a hammer on the head of the same nail are necessary if it is to be driven in deeply, and one nail securely fixed is better than three of four loosely attached." A.W. Pink Hammer and Nail is about Books, biographies, history, theology, music and politics.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Piper - Gutsy Guilt
A John Piper posting today on CT-Direct with an article titled "Gutsy Guilt" on sexual sin.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Systematic Theology

Today as I was looking at the Desiring God Blog a new posting titled Trinity 101 by Justin Taylor came up. It caught my eye because he was talking about Wayne Grudems Systematic Theology which I have been using this year in my devotional time. I have gained a great appreciation for Grudem because histicle style in teaching theology is devotional. The book is a bit heavy in weight but a must have for any student of the Word.
I urge you to take a look at this article which will give you a small taste for Systematic Theology. Also there are some wonderful links for MP3's of Bruce Ware and other resources on the trinity.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Happy Birthday Jonathan Edwards - October 5

Desiring God web store is offering an unbelievable birthday special to honor Edwards.
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was born 304 years ago today (Oct. 5). In celebration, we've discounted our Edwards-related products by 30% through Sunday, Oct. 7: Check out the specials.
Happy Birthday Jonathan!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Questions to Engage Your Child in Spiritual Conversation
At the Desiring God National Conference, John Piper made refererence to questions he had heard to ingage you child in spiritual discusssion. Justin Taylor has posted them on his blog Between Two Worlds.
Audio and Video Now Available for 2007 Desiring God National Conference
You can now read, listen, and watch video of the 2007 Desiring God National Conference.
Speakers Jerry Bridges, Randy Alcorn, John MacArthur, Helen Roseveare, and John Piper. The conference was sold out. The bookstore for the conference was one of the best I have ever seen. Some attendees actually went out and bought another suitcase to carry home the books they bought.
The theme of the conferecne: A Call for the Endurance of the Saints
Speakers Jerry Bridges, Randy Alcorn, John MacArthur, Helen Roseveare, and John Piper. The conference was sold out. The bookstore for the conference was one of the best I have ever seen. Some attendees actually went out and bought another suitcase to carry home the books they bought.
The theme of the conferecne: A Call for the Endurance of the Saints
Free Audio Down Load of the Life of David Brainerd

The Life of David Brainerd (Unabridged) by Jonathan Edwards
This book offers not only a captivating story, but an uplifting buoy for those who are weary, distant, or discouraged. It is an encouragement to all Christians to remain true to their calling through joyful times and discouragement. Use the coupon code OCT2007 to redeem this month's free audiobook download from christianaudio.com
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