"Repeated blows of a hammer on the head of the same nail are necessary if it is to be driven in deeply, and one nail securely fixed is better than three of four loosely attached." A.W. Pink Hammer and Nail is about Books, biographies, history, theology, music and politics.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Rocky – True Believer?

Thursday, December 07, 2006
Never Forget - Pearl Harbor

On 7 December 1941 the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor Naval base with a carefully planed air raid. The goal was to remove the United States Navy’s battleship force as a possible threat the Empire of Japan. The United States was forced to become a participant in the Second World War.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Tomlin in Time Mag

In an article in the most recent Time Magazine the following article appeared. "Hip Hymns Are HimMost people have never heard of Chris Tomlin, yet millions sing his songs every week" By BELINDA LUSCOMBE. Read the Time article.
Chris Tomlin is a gifted worship leader - to find out more about his minisrty and to hear some of his music go to his web site
Passion for the Supremacy of God
Part 1
Part 2
God Is the Gospel
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Want to Be a Medhead?

Michael Medved is host of a daily three-hour radio program, The Michael Medved Show that has a listening audience of over two million. He is as Ann Coulter says “ the liberals worst nightmare.”
I read Medved’s autobiography Right Turns – Unconventional Lessons from a Conservatives Life, in which he describes his “journey for liberal activist to outspoken conservative.” The book shows the falicy of liberal thinking. As a regular listener I appreciate his candid look at Medved’s right turn to conservative thought.
Listen to the radio program or find a station in your area at The Michael Medved Show or click the link on the side bar for the number one show on politics and pop culture.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
A Women of Faith - Darlene Deibler

Evidence Not Seen – A Women’s Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II, by Darlene Deibler Rose is wonderful story of courage and commitment to Christ in unbelievable circumstances.
Biographies such as this are encouraging to my own faith as they show how God can turn our suffering and pain into glorious joy when we walk with Him daily.
As a newlywed missionary Darlene Deibler Rose survived four years in a notorious Japanese prison camp set deep in the jungles of New Guinea. She was forced to sign a false confession and face the executioner’s sword only to be miraculously spared. This book is a must read. We are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. As I read this book I was amazed at God's sovereingty over lives even in the tough spots.
Friday, November 17, 2006
New Books Soon To Be Released by John Piper

Coming Soon from John Piper.
Coming December 18, 2006When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God—and Joy(Paperback, 80 pages) John Piper examines depression from a spiritual perspective, guiding and encouraging those for whom joy seems to stay out of reach.
Coming January 12, 2007
Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce(Paperback, 80 pages)John

Battling Unbelief: Defeating Sin with Superior Pleasure(Hardcover, 176 pages)
John Piper will help equip you to live by faith in future grace and demolish the struggles that stem from anxiety, pride, impatience, bitterness, lust, and more.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
"The Gagging of God"
Is Jesus the only way to God? This clear, critically-acclaimed, scholarly response to that question affirms the deep need for the Gospel’s exclusive message in today’s increasingly pluralistic global community. The Gagging of God offers an in-depth look at the big picture, shows how the many ramifications of pluralism are all parts of a whole, and then provides a systematic Christian response
What is Jesus' Essential Nature? by D.A. Carson Short Excerpt From His Book "The Gagging of God"
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
"Being Conversant with the Emerging Church: Understanding a Movement and Its Implications"

From the back cover we read: A careful and informed assessment of the “emerging church” by a respected author and scholarThe “emerging church” movement has generated a lot of excitement and exerts an astonishingly broad influence. Is it the wave of the future or a passing fancy? Who are the leaders and what are they saying? The time has come for a mature assessment. D. A. Carson not only gives those who may be unfamiliar with it a perceptive introduction to the emerging church movement, but also includes a skillful assessment of its theological views. Carson addresses some troubling weaknesses of the movement frankly and thoughtfully, while at the same time recognizing that it has important things to say to the rest of Christianity. The author strives to provide a perspective that is both honest and fair.Anyone interested in the future of the church in a rapidly changing world will find this an informative and stimulating read.
To help you get a little understanding check out this link to a good article on the Emerging Church.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Who is D.A. Carson?
I am sure that you will want to pick up some of his books or read articles he has written. They are not light but well informed and down to earth in practicality.
Monday, November 13, 2006
How Long, O Lord?

I would like to introduce you with a number of entries to D.A Carson.
I first became familar with Carson during a Desiring God National Conference in Minneapolis. In June for Father's Day my daughter gave me a book that I wanted by Carson titled: How Long, O Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil and thought that it provided great insight into Suffering and Evil. Chapter 10 - The Mystery of Providence in my mind is worth the price of the book.
The book is a study to help Christians understand suffering, answering the tough questions about how to respond to the problem of evil. Bible teachings are pastorally applied to life's pain and the doubt it brings. At the end of each chapter are questions that help one to reflect on the subject and could be used in a small group setting.
What others are saying about "How Long, O Lord:
"[A] sober, encouraging book. . . . The two sides of the author, the biblical scholar who reads, thinks, and misses no detail and the pastoral teacher who understands people, feels with them, and cares for them, combine here to give us a treatment of suffering under God's sovereignty which is outstandingly accurate, wise, and helpful. All who follow the author's fast-flowing argument will find their heads cleared and their hearts strengthened."--J. I. Packer, Regent College
"Covers a wealth of biblical material with carefully reasoned clarity and umbrella-like relevance to help us prepare for whatever difficulties life may bring. This volume represents important and profoundly useful reading for pastors and counselors and for every Christian willing to think about life as it really happens."--Larry J. Crabb, New Way Ministries
"The author writes, with Bible in hand, less as philosopher than as a devout and battered pilgrim. His meditations on suffering and evil and the questions they raise and address are solid study-group materials conducive to faith, joy, and hope."--Carl F. H. Henry, founding editor of Christianity Today
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
On the Big Screen - The Nativity Story

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Randy Alcorn Interview in CT
Randy Alcorn says the afterlife is crucial to how we live this one. Guthrie asks the question regarding the emerging church and building the kingdom of God for the here and now. This short interview is insightful.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Reflections on Edward's Religious Affections
Another resource is to check out John Pipers biographical sketch on Edwards - you can read the manuscript or listen online.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Memorable Monograms available at River Bluff Gifts

River Bluff Gifts has just picked up a great gift for weddings and anniversaries. Memorable Monograms are a creation of my wife and are now available to the public through the webstore at River Bluff Gifts.
Here are a couple of satisfied Memorable Monogram receivers:
"My wife and I are so happy with the wedding monogram we received for our wedding. It is the first thing you see when entering out home and was the first thing we had to put on the wall! This gift meant the most to us of all the gifts we received - it was both thoughtful and original (you can't buy them in the department stores!). I plan on purchasing these for my all of my friends as they get married! Thanks again!”Matthew and Laura, St. Paul , MN
“We received this gift for our wedding. We were both surprised by it because of it was so meaningful in the way it communicated our new life together as a couple. The scripture verse reminds us continually of the commitment we made to each other on our wedding day. We have placed it in a place that is seen by all who come into our new home. Everyone who comes to our house sees it and we tell them were they can get one too.”Nathan and Jenny, Maiden Rock,WI
I am so excited that the Memorable Monograms are now available. Two sizes and monogram styles to choose from.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
J.I. Packer Conference at Beeson Divinity
Recent articles that highlight Packer include "Packer Stomp", "Thank You Letter to J. I. Packer, Celebrating 80 Years "by Piper, and "J. I. Packer, the Bicycle, and the Typewriter."
Monday, October 09, 2006
One Night with the King
Doctrine can be a Delight
Friday, October 06, 2006
Top 50 Books Since WWII that have Shaped Evangelicalism

Christianity Today has listed the top 50 books that have shaped evangelicalism since WWII. Some of the picks are Cost of Discipleship, Hidding Place, Desiring God, Know What You Believe, and Knowing God. Check it out to see if any of these books has shaped your life.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
"The Myth of a Christian Nation" new book by Boyd
The article is a review of a troublesome and perlexing direction that Boyd is traveling. Understanding the road and knowing the pot holes will help us avoid a major accident in our theology. Boyd is directing us to a new path of which we must beware.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Above All Earthly Powers: The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World Audio Online
Speakers: David Wells, Don Carson, Tim Keller, Mark Driscoll, Voddie Baucham, and John Piper.
Also Q & A with the speakers:
Conversation with Pasators and Speaker Panel
Conference photos by Timmy Brister.
The conference was sold out with 3000+ attending. As for the bookstore Matt Lund put together a exceptional array of great books and resources. It was amazing to see the stacks of books stream out of the bookstore. My wife and I worked one of the check outs and met folks from Germany, Dominican Republic, Alaska, New York, Florida, California and everywere in between.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Passion Conference - Atlanta January 1-4, 2007
The Passion web site announced that as the price would increase for the conference on the 15th the following, "As the price nudged higher at midnight September 15, registration crossed the 13000 mark with over three months to go... and more of you snagged a spot today at the new price. Exciting."
Register now for the conference at Passion. This is a fun web site to visit.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Christianity Today

The title is: "Young, Restless, and Reformed: Calvinism is making a comeback and shaking up the church." The September issue of Christianity Today. The article is by Collin Hansen. Worth picking up a copy of this issue.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Fighter of Liberalism - Geerhardus Vos 1862-1949

Geerhardus Vos, the father of Reformed Biblical Theology, was born in 1862 in the Netherlands. He attended the theological school in Grand Rapids, Michigan, (Calvin College today) then went to Princeton Seminary, and eventually received his doctorate at Strassburg.
After a brief teaching stint at Grand Rapids Vos returned to Princeton as the first chair of Biblical Theology. He remained at Princeton for 39 years, where he taught such eminent men as J. Gresham Machen, John Murray, Ned B. Stonehouse, and Cornelius Van Til (mp3 sermons by Van Til). Throughout his career Vos fought against liberalism at every step, especially on such issues as the kingdom of God and Jesus' Messianic self-consciousness.
After retiring, Vos lived in California before returning to Grand Rapids, where he died in 1949 at the age of 87.
A number of links that herald Vos and his works are as follows:
Biblical theology
Futher biographical information is available at the Calvin College web site.
Desiring Gods 2006 National Convention "Above All Earthly Powers: The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World" featuring David Wells will touch on the fight that Vos, Machen and other waged in a postmodern world.
"We are called to see that the Church does not adapt its thinking to the horizons that modernity prescribes for it but rather that it brings to those horizons the powerful antidote of God's truth. It is not the Word of God but rather modernity that stands in need of being demythologised."
-- David F. Wells No Place For Truth, p.100
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Pipers World Magazine articles
Friday, September 08, 2006
Hero For Humanity - William Wilberforce

Hero For Humanity by Kevin Belmonte has had a significant influence on my life. "This book invites you on a journey through the life and times of William Wilberforce. Explore his childhood, his troubled youth, and his departure from Christianity. Learn about his early political ambitions and the process of his reunion with evangelical faith - an inner transformation that prepared Wilberforce to embrace his destiny. Experience his triumphant emergence from a forty-six year battle to abolish the slave trade and, ultimately, slavery itself in Britain. And discover how, in forsaking his own success and living for something greater than himself, Wilberforce bolstered the cause of human dignity amidst the turmoil of war and impacted the lives of millions across the globe."
An interview with Kevin Belmonte titled A Faithful Steward is worth checking out.
William Wilberforce is the model of Christian perseverance in abolishing a social evil.
Belmonte recently published through Day One Publishers, Travel with William Wilberforce 'The Friend of humanity', I have personally read others in this series of travel books on Bunyan, Spurgeon, and Knox finding them all very insightful even if you are not traveling to the UK.
Regarding the new movie Amazing Grace which ischeduleded to release in 2007 some interestinconnectionsns in the enterainment industry. Through their production company, FourBoys Films, Heaton and her husband, David Hunt, co-produced Amazing Grace. Along with Walden Media, Heaton and Hunt are producing the feature film detailing the life of William Wilberforce, which is being directed by Michael Apted. Many may know Patricia Heaton in her role as Debr on Everybody Loves Raymond. She has been honored with two consecutive Emmy Awards for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for her portrayal as Debra Barone on CBS' top rated series, "Everybody Loves Raymond."
The Mission Statement of "FourBoys Films seeks to provoke and entertain audiences with stories that illuminate the human condition in all its terrifying glory. The evidence of Man's eternal struggle between his desire to do good and his capacity for evil is all around us. It is within this conflict that one finds tales of the majesty in the mundane, the honor in failure, and nobility in victory. FourBoys Films is committed to writers who can find both the humor and the drama in these subjects without resorting to either sentimentalism or nihilism."
For further information on William Wilberforce check out this web site which has great indepth insite into a Hero for Humanity.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Amazing Grace - William Wilberforce coming February 2007

Walden Media to release movie about William Wilberforce titled Amazing Grace in 2007.
About the movie as described by Walden Media:
"Walden Media is passionate about bringing William Wilberforce's inspiring story to theaters and chronicling a crucial, but little-known, legislative battle in which justice and morality prevailed in the battle against slavery.
Filming of Amazing Grace will begin on October 29, 2005 on location across England. In our commitment to faithfully recreating Wilberforce's life, we will shoot at locations across England, including the Gloucester docks, Trafalgar Park, Hampton Court, and Parliament Square. The locations are not only historically accurate, they are also visually stunning. Near the beginning of production, we will film inside Parliament, and we will wrap the production at Westminster Abbey in January.
Amazing Grace will be in theaters in 2007."
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Enjoying God Ministires and Jonathan Edwards
Friday, September 01, 2006
Read Biographies - Jonathan Edwards 1703 - 1758

An American Congregationalist clergyman, was the outstanding theologian and scholar of colonial New England in the 1700's. In his most famous book Freedom of the Will (1754), he upheld such Calvinistic doctrines as predestination. But he insisted that man had freedom to choose alternative courses when forces outside him "inclined" his will to choose. Edwards was born on October 5, 1703, in East Windsor, Conn. He received A.B. and A.M. degrees from Yale University. In 1727, he was ordained and installed as assistant in the church of Solomon Stoddard, his grandfather, at Northhampton, Mass. When Stoddard died in 1729, Edwards became pastor. The religious revival, a part of the Great Awakening, came to his church in 1734. His famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God"(1741), was preached during his revival. Edwards' discipline of young people for reading "immoral" literature and his refusal to give communion to unconverted church members caused dismissal in 1750. He then served as a missionary to the Indians in Stockbridge, Mass., from 1751-1757. Edwards became president of the college of New England (now Princeton) in 1758, but died later that same year of smallpox.
For more information about Edwards and works by him, about him go to Monergism.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Read Biographies - John Wesley 1703 - 1791

I want to share other biographies that have been good reads. I have come to enjoy the writing of Iain Murray who has become a favorite. I encourage you to pick up a copy of this work on Wesley.
Wesley and the Men Who Followed gives a glimpse into the life of one of the most widely known church leaders to date. John Wesley was an evangelist, itinerant preacher, founder of the Methodist movement, and author. Wesley was the 15th child of a former nonconformist minister, he graduated from Oxford University and became a priest in the Church of England in 1728. From 1729 he participated in a religious study group in Oxford organized by his brother Charles (1707-1788), its members being dubbed the "Methodists" for their emphasis on methodical study and devotion. In this biography by Iain Murray the reader will find a good balance in relation to Wesley ministry and sorting out areas that were conflicts by others during his period of influence. For more information about Wesley click here.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Read Biographies - A.W. Pink 1886-1952

Pink's biography, first written by Iain Murray in 1981, is here revised with the benefit of new material, including some of Pink's own re-discovered manuscripts. It is the heart-stirring and compelling story of a strong, complex character Arthur Pink's writings became a major element in the recovery of expository preaching and biblical living. Born in England in 1886, A. W. Pink was the little-known pastor of churches in the United States and Australia before he finally returned to his homeland in 1934. There he died almost unnoticed in 1952. By that date, however, his magazine was feeding several of the men who were leading a return to doctrinal Christianity, including Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Douglas Johnson (founder of Inter-Varsity) and, in book form after his death, his writing became very widely read across the world.
This blog is an out growth of reading this biography. Click this link to reach A. W. Pinks archive.
Above All Earthly Powers - Conference 90% full

Monday, August 28, 2006
Christianity Today's Top 25 Most Influential Preachers
Some of those mentioned: John Piper, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Charles Colson, John Stott, John MacArthur.
River Bluff Gifts

A new gift retail web site that has a number of nice wall décor pictures that have scripture verses. I am sure you can find a gift that will be appreciated for a long time.
River Bluff Gifts
Monday, August 07, 2006
Soli Deo Gloria - "Meet the puritans"
Meet the puritans
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Desiring God Blog for National Conference

Desring God has a new blog for the National Conference "The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World." This blog is a great resource. Plan to attend this much needed conference.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Fire and Ice

Great Puritan and Reformed writings many in PDF files for downloading. A resource for anyone who loves reformed theology.
For just a little taste check out the article from Banner of Truth "John Owen on the Spirit in the Life of Christ" by Sinclair Ferguson. PDF
“Do not seek for warm fire under cold ice.” –Samuel Rutherford
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Turning 50 Isn't So Bad
Today is my birthday and i turn 50, so what happened in 1956?
Dwight Eisenhower is president of the US
101 Southern Congressmen call for massive resistance to the Supreme Court desegregation rulings
Italian liner Andrea Doria collides with Swedish liner Stockholm and sinks of Nantucket Island
An anti-Communist revolt in Hungary is crushed by Soviet troops and tanks
Suez crisis occurs in the Middle
EastElvis Presley enters the music charts for the first time, with "Heartbreak Hotel".
Mel Gibson, Bill Maher, Joe Montana, Tom Hanks, and Larry Bird born
New York Yankees win the World Series
New York Giants win the NFL championship
Montreal Canadians win the Stanley Cup
Elvis Presley appears on The Ed Sullivan Show
The Price is Right game show premieres
In religious world history on this day - July 19 this is what took place.
Religious History
1649 In London, Edward Winslow, governor of the Plymouth Colony, helped organize theSociety for Propagating the Gospel in New England, for the purpose of converting theAmerican Indians to Christian faith.
1692 Five Massachusetts women were hanged for witchcraft. Fifteen young girls in theSalem community charged as many as 150 citizens in the area with witchcraft during thegreater part of this year.
1825 The American Unitarian Association was founded by members of the liberal wing ofthe Congregational churches in New England.
1835 Birth of Jesse Engle, pioneer missionary. In 1898 he led the first party of fivemissionaries to Africa under sponsorship of the Brethren in Christ Missions.
1904 Construction began on the Liverpool Cathedral in England. The cathedral wascompleted 20 years later and consecrated on this same date in 1924.
Turning 50 isn't so bad.
President Bush given copy of book by John Piper
Friday, July 07, 2006
Eternal Perspective Ministry
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Heaven, what will it be like?

Randy Alcorn’s book “Heaven” has helped me look at the topic in a new light. He answers questions that plague us all. What you thought you knew about heaven may be false in view of the scriptures. Alcorn lays out a feast of scripture to help us understand how magnificent heaven will be.
I rate this book as one of the top in re-aligning my thinking on a subject I had not given much thought to. As a believer in Jesus Christ I will be spending eternity in heaven, so why not expand my mind in what the Bible speaks of this grand place.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University blog
Click the image to view the blog.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
John Piper defends his Fathers wrath.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Killed
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
131 Christians Everyone Should Know
Edwards, Calvin, Luther, and Athanasuis to name a few.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
46 Pages
Thomas Paine, Common Sense, and the Turning Point to Independence
By Scott Liell, Running Press

In this book Liell, gives a historical account of the lead up to the publishing of “Common Sense” a 46 page book that changed the course of history. In it Liell describes the major players of the fight for Independence, with Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams to name a few. He paints a picture of what was going through the minds of the men who were about to commit treason and the push to separate from the sovereign authority of King George III.
When Common Sense was published it became a best seller in the colonies. General George Washington ordered it to be read or read aloud to all the soldiers under his command.
Liell includes a complete copy of Common Sense at the end of book. This work is a good read and an enlightening understanding of the lead up to independence. It gives the reader a bird’s eye view of how a 39 year old Englishman inspired treason. Discover the roots of this country in “46 Pages”
“I know not whether any man in the world has had more influence on its inhabitants or affairs for the last thirty years than Tom Paine.” – John Adams
“The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.” – Thomas Paine
Monday, June 05, 2006
David Wells Interview
Interview part 1
Interview part 2
Also an interview Christianity and Postmodern Culture conducted byTodd Wilken which is on the Between Two Worlds Blog.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Pegasus Bridge

In yet another compelling work, Pegasus Bridge: June 6, 1944 Stephen Ambrose gives details of the training and lead up to the operation through a few first had accounts. The carnage that took place the predawn operation is unbelievable, yet the heroism stands tall. These men knew that this would be a pivotal moment in history as they captured the Pegasus Bridge.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Stephen Ambrose the dedicated historian captures the story and emotions of June 6, 1944 in his book D-Day using more that 1,400 interviews and first hand accounts. It is the story of the largest military action to ever be assembled. We should all remember the sacrifices that so many made that day to ensure our freedom and the freedom of those around the world.
So as we mark Memorial Day 2006 make yourself aware of those who have gone before you and read a book that will fill you with gratitude. D-Day is the story of courage and heroism, fear and determination that secured democracy shaping the twentieth century for millions around the world.
Ambrose was instrumental in starting the National D-Day Museum in New Orleans. It is the largest collection of eyewitness accounts of a single in the world. I was privileged to have toured the museum shortly after it opened. It is a remarkable reminder of the courage of that day in 1944. You can view some of what is in store for those who attend the museum at D-Day web site.
Citizen Soldiers by Ambrose picks up the story from June 7, 1944 to May 7, 1945. It follows the U.S. Army from the Normandy Beaches to the Bulge to the surrender of Germany. Amborse is a master of the interview process and weaves interviews and historical narrative to create an account that you will not be able to put down. Another work, Band of Brothers was made into a miniseries by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg. It follows E Company, 506th Regiment, and 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler’s eagles nest. I have found that D-Day and Citizen Soldiers gave me a very good understanding of what these young men faced. I have been profoundly grateful for their sacrifice.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Listen to Edwards
This is a personal favorite. I have a 45 minute drive to work one way which is just enough time to listen to a sermon or lecture.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Above All Earthly Powers: The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World
John Piper gives and invitation to the conference.
I have attended past conferences and have been inspired and encouraged. The bookstore has been the best that I have seen for a conference.
To see past conferences click the link:
2003 - A God-Entranced Vision of All Things
2004 – Sex and the Supremacy of God
2005 – Suffering and the Sovereignty of God
Don't miss this conference!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Edwards Online
To find out more about Jonathan Edwards the following links may wet your apatite. Read sermons or download PDF works of Edwards from the links I have listed in order of my personal preference:
Monergism has a section on Edwards is most helpful and has lots information.
Yale has a good site that when completed will have Edwards complete works.
The Writings of Jonathan Edwards many with PDF download – This is spot that I downloaded and read Religious Affections.
Many of Jonathan Edward’s sermons are found on this site.
Calvin College has a site that is not visually great but has works you can download.
Edwards Resolutions
I would like to hear from anyone who has other Edwards’s links that have been helpful.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
The Glory of God - learing from Edwards
John Piper helps to unpack Edwards thought on "The End for which God Created the World." He brings clarity of understanding with biographical background and theological perspectives. He shares with us Edwards, "radically God-centered view of virtue - which is, in fact, the end for which God created the world - and apply its scathy relevance to cultural transformation and world evangelism."

To purchase the book or to download the online book with pdf files
Part 1 chapter 1, chapter 2-3, Part 2 introduction, chapter 1, chapter2
"All that is ever spoken of in the scripture as an ultimate end of God's works is included in the phrase, The Glory of God." Jonathan Edwards
Monday, May 22, 2006
Jonathan Edwards - Favorite Author

Jonathan Edwards has fast become one of my favorite authors. Recently I have completed two classes offered at our church and taught by Nick Nowalk. The classes helped students dig into Religious Affections and The End for Which God Created the World. Each of these works demands of the reader to work hard in understanding the concepts Edwards is communicating and to rethink prior postions that one may hold in this modern age.
Edwards is truely one of the great puritins and preachers to grace the American landscape. His theolgical interpretations continue to be wrestled with today.
I will be commenting more on Edwards as he is the imputis to starting this blog. Other important church figures will be discussed on these pages.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
United 93

The most important and talkedabout film of the year...
If you have not seen United 93 - the unflinching drama that tells the story the fourth hijacked plane on the day of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil: September 11, 2001 – it is time you do.
While some attempted to condemn the movie as “too soon,” overwhelming response to the opening of United 93 shows that America is a nation not only ready to revisit that day, but to confront the issues of world terrorism and discuss the imperative search for real answers and solutions…
“FOUR STARS. … about the most consequential day in US history.”- Michael Medved
“This harrowing yet restrained film that honors the men and women of United Flight 93 and the honor they bestowed on their country, must be seen.”- The Today Show
“An extraordinary film. …the movie left me shaken, moved, and filled with respect. This is a great act of filmmaking.”- Roger Ebert
Visit Motive Entertainment’s http://www.u93.org/, where you can view the Movie Trailer, Video Commentaries from Religious, Political and Educational Leaders -- and download free teaching and preaching resources to engage in key issues like, “Why do Islamic terrorists hate America? How should we respond as Americans? As Christians? As Jews? As Muslims?”
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Hammer and Nail blog launch

As I launch the "Hammer and Nail" blog my hope is to pass along my love for books, history, biographies, theology, and politics. My plan is to have book reviews of books I have enjoyed. Share ministries that have been helpful to me. Post items of theology that have caused change and encouraged my faith in God. And lastly look at political news items that are in need of further discussion. I don't claim to have all the knowledge on a topic but a willingness to share my thoughts in order to open a discussion that will be more clarifying.
The title of the blog comes from the quote by A.W. Pink. I will share more about Pink in the future.