Geerhardus Vos, the father of Reformed Biblical Theology, was born in 1862 in the Netherlands. He attended the theological school in Grand Rapids, Michigan, (Calvin College today) then went to Princeton Seminary, and eventually received his doctorate at Strassburg.
After a brief teaching stint at Grand Rapids Vos returned to Princeton as the first chair of Biblical Theology. He remained at Princeton for 39 years, where he taught such eminent men as J. Gresham Machen, John Murray, Ned B. Stonehouse, and Cornelius Van Til (mp3 sermons by Van Til). Throughout his career Vos fought against liberalism at every step, especially on such issues as the kingdom of God and Jesus' Messianic self-consciousness.
After retiring, Vos lived in California before returning to Grand Rapids, where he died in 1949 at the age of 87.
A number of links that herald Vos and his works are as follows:
Biblical theology
Futher biographical information is available at the Calvin College web site.
Desiring Gods 2006 National Convention "Above All Earthly Powers: The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World" featuring David Wells will touch on the fight that Vos, Machen and other waged in a postmodern world.
"We are called to see that the Church does not adapt its thinking to the horizons that modernity prescribes for it but rather that it brings to those horizons the powerful antidote of God's truth. It is not the Word of God but rather modernity that stands in need of being demythologised."
-- David F. Wells No Place For Truth, p.100
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