George Whitefield: God's Anointed Servant in the Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century
Arnold A. Dallimore was a Baptist pastor for 38 years and has also been editor of THE EVANGELICAL BAPTIST. He has written other biographies on Christian leaders of the past. His two-volume work on George Whitefield received much praise as the finest biography of this preacher, and is here condensed into one shorter volume.
In the wake of George Whitefield's fearless preaching, revival swept across the British Isles, and the Greak Awakening transformed the American colonies.When Whitefield died at age 55, he had preached 30,000 sermons. His hearers included not only the poor and the uneducated, but prominent English aristocrats and American statesmen such as David Hume and Benjamin Franklin

George Whitefield was the most traveled preacher of the gospel up to his time and many feel he was the greatest evangelist of all time. Making 13 trips across the Atlantic Ocean was a feat in itself, for it was during a time when sea travel was primitive. This meant he spent over two years of his life traveling on water -- 782 days. However, his diligence and sacrifice helped turn two nations back to God. Jonathan Edwards was stirring things up in New England, and John Wesley was doing the same in England. Whitefield completed the trio of men humanly responsible for the great awakening on both sides of the Atlantic. He spent about 24 years of ministry in the British Isles and about nine more years in America, speaking to some ten million souls.
Arnold Dallimore: Why Read His Books?
Learn More about Whitefield
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