Jonathan Aitken’s biography of John Newton looks into nooks and crannies in Newton’s life, character, and spiritual journey. Aitken draws on Newton’s unpublished diaries and correspondence, providing fresh perspective on the life of this memorable man of God. The book is a portrait of John Newton, a self-described “great sinner” redeemed by a great Savior through amazing grace.
Jonathan Aitken is a well-known British author and former politician. He was a Member of Parliament for twenty-three years, serving in the Cabinet as Chief Secretary to the Treasury and also as Minister of State for Defense. His political career ended when he pleaded guilty to charges of perjury as a result of having told a lie on oath in a civil libel lawsuit. During an eighteen-month prison stay, he converted to Christ. He is president of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a director of Prison Fellowship International, and executive director of The Trinity Forum in Europe. He is the author of twelve books, including the award-winning Nixon: A Life and Charles W. Colson: A Life Redeemed.
I would highly recommend this book. Put it on your 2008 reading list - you will not be sorry you did.
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