Thursday, October 22, 2009 Billy Graham Newsreels From The 1950s Billy Graham Newsreels From The 1950s

Watching the newsreels and seeing the throngs of people running to get a glimpse of the "Evangelist" made me wonder what a newsreel if it had existed in the days of Whitefield would have reveled.

I think of the story from Whitefield's biography of a farmer in the field hearing his preaching near by gathered his wife and threw her on his horse and rode as hard as the could to hear the word. When the horse got tired the farmer dismounts and tells his wife to go on as he runs the remaining distant. As they approach the field where Whitefield will preach he sees such a cloud of dust and horses from the thousands who have gathered. Oh for more of Christ, to long to hear the word and to be transformed by the living Word.

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