Friday, September 05, 2008

Blog Sabbatical

For the last few months I have taken a sabbatical from blogging. A number of things caused my delay in writing. I was layed off my job August 1st due to the economic slow down. During this time I have been doing construction work by adding two rooms in our unfinished basement.

Tonight I was starting to get ready for the launch of our small group from church in which we will be working though "Respectable Sins" by Bridges with supplemental reading from Owen's "Mortification of Sin." I reviewed Bridges book not long ago. You may want to go back and see it again.

The Republican and Democratic conventions are over so 60 days till election time.

The sabbatical is over.

1 comment:

tex said...

Sorry to hear about your job. I hope you find something soon. Steph and I will pray for you.