Monday, November 17, 2008

Francis Schaeffer

Recently I have been reading a book by Colin Duriez titled "Francis Schaeffer an Authentic Life" which has been a excellent read. It has caused me to think back to my college days and when we were expected to read a new book at the time called "Escape From Reason." The professor who made this required reading did a great service to the students under his charge. Soon I was reading "True Spirituality" and other works by Schaeffer. I was shaped in part by his writing.

Years latter I would hear him speak at Bethel College during his fight with cancer.

Over the years I have had the privilege to meet Edith and Franky Schaeffer on book tours when I managed a Christian Bookstore. Oh the memories that flood in from these wonderful by-gone days. Oh how God used Francis Schaeffer to shape a vast number of young people to see God more clearly.

Crossway publishing has done it again with this great biography.

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