Saturday, February 28, 2009

Naming God

Last weekend and this weekend I had the privilage of hearing D. A. Carson teach through half the Bible on Naming God.

Purpose: The purpose of this series of lectures is two-fold:
It is intended to explain what Christianity is all about in a non-reductionistic and non-simplistic way. Seekers are welcome. Carson will trace the storyline of Scripture, and articulating Christianity in such a way as to cause hearers either to reject or embrace the gospel.
On the other hand, this series is intended to explain what Christianity looks like. What is the compass? What are the claims of the gospel? It is one thing to know the storyline of Scripture, it is quite another to know one's role within the ongoing story of God's redemption of creation. It engages Christians at the worldview level, at the rub of gospel and culture.

The seminar covered topics as follows:
The God who made everything
The God who does not wipe out rebels
The God who writes his own agreements
The God who legislates
The God who reigns
The God who makes his people sing
The God who is unfathomably wise
The God who is coming
The God who becomes a human being
The God who grants new birth
The God who loves
The God who dies--and lives
The God who declares the guilty just
The God who gathers and transforms his people
The God who is very angry
The God who triumphs

They will be recording these sessions. The Gospel Coalition will be making the sessions available on theirsite at a later date to be determined.

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